Disease Details

A condition in which the blood vessels in the rectal area or swollen distal colon It may occur only within the anus or extend outside the anus.


• Have a blood with the stool.
• May be a lump or growth protruding from the edge of the anus.
• Pain in the buttocks
• Itching in the buttocks or a wet buttocks.


• Suppositories
• Injections
• Surgery

What is this disease?

Hemorrhoids are actually a normal organ of the body. They are a group of blood vessels located at the edge of the anal canal that act as a soft cushion, helping to hold back approximately 10% of stool when there are risk factors or stimulating factors that cause high pressure around the anal canal. Up Therefore causing large swelling and creating problems.


• Have a blood with the stool.
• May be a lump or growth protruding from the edge of the anus.
• Pain in the buttocks
• Itching in the buttocks or a wet buttocks.

Risk factors

• Constipation
• Passing hard stools.
• Pushing a lot.
• Sitting for a long time to defecate, especially using the mobile phone in the bathroom.
• Chronic diarrhea.
• Pregnant

Types of Hemorrhoids

Can be catagorize into 2 types: External hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids, which It can only be divided by physical examination. External hemorrhoids are not divided into stages. But internal hemorrhoids are divided into 4 stages as follows:
    Stage 1: No hemorrhoid head protruding outside. There are only symptoms of bleeding after defecation and can retract back by itself.
    Stage 2: The head of the hemorrhoid protrudes outside the anus during bowel movement and can retract back by itself.
    Stage 3: The head of the hemorrhoid protrudes outside the anus during bowel movement. and does not retract on its own. Patient need to use your finger to push it back in.
    Stage 4: The head of the hemorrhoid protrudes out of the anus all the time. and cannot be pushed back

Guidelines for treating hemorrhoids

Guidelines for treating hemorrhoids
behavior modification Combined with taking medicine: suitable for early hemorrhoids (stages 1-2) including:
1. Consume more fruits and vegetables or foods that contain fiber Together with drinking enough water To make the stool softer
2. Exercise regularly. To help the intestines contract better
3. Taking medicine It will help reduce inflammation. or can bleed Treatment with rubber band ligation or injections (sclerotherapy): can Can be used in stage 2 internal hemorrhoids that are not very large.
Hemorrhoid surgery: suitable for external hemorrhoids with severe symptoms or with hemorrhoids insertion. Within stages 3-4 or stage 2, there has been no improvement after initial treatment.

Types of surgery

1. Hemorrhoid surgery using standard techniques (Hemorrhoidectomy)
2. Quadrilateral hemorrhoid surgery using the Ligasure machine.
3. Treating hemorrhoids with a laser (Laser hemorrhoidoplasty)


Diseases related to this surgery:


Diseases related to this surgery:


Diseases related to this surgery:


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